Operation Warm Winter was a project started by a little girl named Elizabeth DeRuvo.  At the age of six she asked her mom one cold winter night, "What happens to the homeless on cold nights?"  Her mom responded that "unfortunately they have to sleep outside or if they are lucky they will be able to sleep at a shelter".  

The next morning, Elizabeth began taking blankets from her home and insisted to her mom, that they drive them around town passing blankets out to people they saw in need.  

In 2010, Elizabeth expanded her efforts by sending a letter to family, friends, neighbors & classmates  asking for donations of blankets & socks for the homeless in her town.   The outcome was overwhelming and as a result, she was able to help hundreds of people in need.  Elizabeth provided the homeless with a "personal care package" which included a blanket, jacket, socks and other warm items.  

In January, 2011, Elizabeth received an award from the County of Marin Board of Supervisors naming her the sole recipient of the "2010 Look Who's Getting It Done Award" and she was also invited to New York to be interviewed on The Nate Berkus Show which highlighted her efforts working with the homeless. In 2011, Elizabeth was also awarded the prestigious "American Red Cross Community Hero Award of 2011".  

We are reminded, that all of this started because "One little girl took blankets from a closet and offered them to those in need".  One person CAN make a difference!

(415) 246-3516
